dinsdag 10 november 2009

Christmas is coming!

Am I the only one who is already totally in the Christmas mood? I'm dreaming away with coasy Frank Sinatra christmas songs, sigh.. I got my inspiration for christmas decorations from Harrods, H&M home collection and from Riviera Maison.
I can't wait till the time is there!


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik kijk uit naar de kerstvakantie met bijhorende sneeuw en koopjes!

  2. ik oook! kerst vind ik altijd heel gezellig haha, groetjes saskia!



Over mij

Mijn foto
Of course we all love fashion, you live your life in it, so why don't do it good? I'm thinking those high heels and just that one little dress could make your life even better!