donderdag 10 december 2009


Hi guys,

I haven't posted for quite a while, but here I am again! I am totally in the partymood, so stores, here I come! Haha, joke, I actually haven't got that much money left, but well, I think I'm gonna work at my fathers shop for a few days in the holidays to earn some money. This holiday I'm gonna shop in Amsterdam with my best friends! Has anyone got nice adresses in Amsterdam city? React react!


3 opmerkingen:

  1. Ahhh ja :( echt so sad dat je er niet was! KVT gaan we wel even rocken hahaha heb er nuuu al zin in (L) Liefs

  2. fijne feestdagen! xxx



Over mij

Mijn foto
Of course we all love fashion, you live your life in it, so why don't do it good? I'm thinking those high heels and just that one little dress could make your life even better!